In 2011, one of the founders had the opportunity to visit Pasay Manila, where he met a woman named Marlene. She had been creating unique handmade crafts, selling them at low prices, and relying on walk-in customers and her small sari-sari store. Despite her efforts, she and her family were only earning about P132 per day. Moved by this firsthand experience, the group was determined to help lift them out of poverty while fostering independence rather than a dependency mindset. They strongly believed in the importance of a gradual, step-by-step approach to improving the artisans' lifestyles, encouraging innovation in their crafts and connecting them to broader opportunities. Embracing social innovation, the group began selling Ate Marlene's creations within their network and slowly expanded by empowering other artisans to showcase their talents in the community.
Overtime, Namana Crafts was formalized in 2015 to officially provide these artisans with market access, proper payment scheme, product designs, and additional skills in order to enrich more of their capabilities. Moreover, while these Filipino artisans are born to create big dreams, we, as a social enterprise aim to build bridges and revitalize ideas within our clients and our partnered communities.
is to improve Filipino artisans’ lifestyle by means
of lifting them out of poverty through providing market opportunities, developing new skills and incorporating market-driven knowledge. Also, we aim to connect these Filipino artisans to our stakeholders by offering them quality products as it opts to transcend a better relationship with them.
is to be the brand of choice for modern handicrafts, created by a hub of disadvantage groups locally and internationally.